Volunteer Registration Form

Please complete all sections. Forms with original signatures are required for enrollment.

Where do our volunteers serve?

RSVP of Central Oklahoma Volunteer Application Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • If yes, please attach an explanation of charges, date of offense and status of the charges on a separate sheet to be included with this application.
  • As a volunteer, you will receive free accident and personal liability insurance. Please provide the following information.

  • Certifications

  • By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the following statements: 1) I hereby state that I am 55 years of age or older and offer my services as a volunteer for RSVP of Central Oklahoma. I understand that I am not an employee of RSVP of Central Oklahoma, the volunteer agency in which I serve, or the Federal Government and agree to serve without compensation. 2) I understand that in my capacity as a RSVP volunteer I may come into contact with confidential information. I agree to protect this information to the best of my ability and not to disclose it during or after my service as a volunteer has ended. 3) I understand that if I use my personal automobile in my volunteer service, I will arrange to keep in effect automobile liability insurance equal or greater to the minimum requirements of the state of Oklahoma. I will also keep in effect a valid driver’s license.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY